Privacy Policy


This site is operated by Delupe A/S. The company has reg. tax no (CVR): DK34693129.
We run a number of sites, some of which allow you to register or in other ways give us your personal information. You may need to sign up to access certain features or promotions. This privacy policy explains how this information is used and how you can contact us if there is anything you are uncertain of.

What type of information do we collect?

If you choose to register on our side, we may ask you for information such as name, email address, zip code, age, gender, telephone number and product information. Our sites may include optional surveys where we ask you to give your opinions on various products and services. If you download content from our pages, we will automatically check your hardware. If you use community tools, we can store the content and communications which you send and receive, and we reserve the right to monitor your communications. We may also a detailed description of your activities and personal preferences when you visit our pages (see "Cookies" below).
You should always obtain consent before you give us personal information about others (for example, if you send promotions to a friend). Please ensure that the personal information you provide is accurate and current, and that you inform us of any changes.

What do we do with the information we collect?

We use the information we collect in a number of ways:
to manage our websites and provide the information and services you ask for, including downloads, chat rooms, bulletin boards, promotions and competition to conduct internal assessments and studies in order to improve our websites and other products and services to send you newsletters and marketing information about products and services, and offer products and services from selected third party companies, but only according to what is permitted by law, or at your request (see section. 6 "How to unsubscribe" below ) to send administrative emails (for example if you forget your password) to prevent and detect fraud and abuse of our sites or services to process your requests for customer service

Who also have access to your information?

Our affiliated companies, local contractors and other organisations working for us can have access to the information. This is to manage the information for us and to provide you with the information and services you have requested. Some of the companies may examine your information in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), such as the USA or Japan. Data protection laws in these countries may not offer the same protection as the EEA. If you do not want us to transfer your information in this way, you should refrain from using our site.
In exceptional cases we may be forced to use or disclose your personal information. It may be situations where the law requires us to do so or where we need to protect or defend ourselves and others against illegal or harmful activities. If our business is sold or restructured, your information may be transferred as a part of the company.


Some of our sites contain cookies. Cookies are small text files that a site transfers to your computer to track your online activities. Cookies can be used on our site to help make your visits to the pages more personal or improve how you use certain aspects of our sites and to track your online activity. You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings, but be warned that if you do so, some of the features on this site and others may not function properly.


We take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information. This includes setting up processes and procedures to minimize unauthorised access to or disclosure of your information. We can't however give any guarantees that we can eliminate all risks of misuse of your personal information by unauthorised persons. You should store passwords and account information in a safe place and you should never disclose them to others.
You should contact us straight away if you notice any unauthorised use of your password or any other security breaches. Electronic bulletin boards, chat rooms and other public forums on our site are publicly accessible. You should avoid disclosing any information that identifies you or others. We are not responsible for the protection and security of any information which you disclose in these areas.

How to unsubscribe

If you no longer wish to receive promotional material from us, please follow the link in the promotional email or go to the place on the site where you signed up, and change your communication options.

Contacting us

By law you are entitled to know what personal information an organisation holds about you and how the information is processed. If you want to know what information we have about you, you can contact us through the contact page or send a letter to Delupe A/S.

Be aware that we may request proof of identity and charge a small handling fee to cover our administration costs.